16 January 2025, 01:00
In this 2.5-hour workshop, the importance of metadata used to describe data repositories will be emphasised, with a focus on the re3data Registry of Research Data Repositories, and the recommendations from the RDA Common Descriptive Attributes of Research Data Repositories. While some of these attributes are straightforward, others are more complicated to represent; thus, the reasons they are more difficult will be summarised and time to discuss with participants is allocated. Potential use cases and applications for these metadata will also be covered. Towards the end, an optional follow-on activity over the next couple months will be described.
The workshop will be delivered in English, and offered at two repeat sessions to support a wider spectrum of geographical time zones. The workshop will be delivered by World Data System International Technology Office Staff, in coordination with re3Data. Guest speakers will be updated as they are confirmed.
Target Audience:
- Primary: data repository representatives
- Secondary: users of data repository metadata
Desired Outcomes:
- participants have increased familiarity with re3Data features, metadata schema and applications
- participants are aware of the Research Data Alliance recommendations on data repository attribute metadata, and how they can be represented within re3Data records
- discussions provide insights into the more challenging attributes to represent
- repository staff are motivated to update existing records and maintain regularly thereafter
- a subset of participants are interested to participate in a follow-on cohort to be supported through updates and provide more in-depth feedback
Expectation of Participants:
Participants are encouraged to attend and actively engage in discussions at one of the workshops. Participants will be asked to complete a survey post-workshop, and to optionally participate in the follow-on pilot exercise that will be described during the workshop.
Key Reference:
Witt, M., Cannon, M., Lister, A., Segundo, W., Shearer, K., Yamaji, K., & Research Data Alliance Data Repository Attributes Working Group. (2024). RDA Common Descriptive Attributes of Research Data Repositories (1.0). Zenodo. https://doi.org/10.15497/RDA00103
Contact Details:
For questions, please contact Reyna Jenkyns at ito-director@oceannetworks.ca.
Dates, Time, and Duration:
There will be two repeat sessions to facilitate multiple time zones:
- 14 January, @ 15:00 - 17:30 UTC – best for the Americas, Europe, Africa. REGISTER HERE
- 16 January, @ 1:00 -3:30 UTC – best for East Asia, Australia, and for early risers in Central Asia. REGISTER HERE