In a constantly changing world, metadata has become indispensable!
Join our next FAIR Friday Online Seminar on "A FAIR-enabling resource for biodiversity monitoring schemes" with Annegret Grimm-Seyfarth (UFZ)!
Time: 21st March 2025 at 10:00 - 11:00 am CET
Venue: Zoom
In an ever-changing world, field surveys, inventories and monitoring data are essential to predict biodiversity responses to global drivers, such as land-use and climate change.
This understanding builds the basis to timely conservation management. However, due to funding constraints, biodiversity data are usually collected over short periods of time,
hampering analyses of long-term trends and predictions of changes.
Within the scope of the HMC, the ADVANCE project – Advanced metadata standards for biodiversity survey and monitoring data: supporting of research and conservation –
aimed at supporting rich metadata generation with interoperable metadata standards and semantic artefacts that facilitate data access, integration and reuse across terrestrial, freshwater and marine realms.
Our mission is to facilitate the discovery, access, machine-readability, and reuse of biodiversity monitoring data across and beyond the Helmholtz Association. We revised, adapted and expanded existing
metadata schemas, vocabularies and thesauri to build a FAIR metadata schema and a metadata entry form built on it for users to provide their metadata instances focused on biodiversity monitoring data.
The schema is FAIR because it is both machine-interpretable and follows domain-relevant community standards.
This presentation provides a general overview of the project results and instructions on how to access, re-use and complete the metadata form.
Time: 4th April 2025 at 10:00 - 11:00 am CEST
Venue: Zoom
The lecture provides guidance on how to achieve the FAIR principles for research data in a legal sense by using Creative Commons licences and public domain tools. The main topics include the protectability of various types of content and how protected and non- protected content and data can be "opened" in terms of enabling legal reusability. The lecture also explains the different layers of CC licenses, including the human-readable
and legalese versions, as well as the technical layer of the licenses.
We are looking forward to welcome you!
Mirl Trösch
On behalf of the HMC FAIR Friday Organisation Team
Upcoming FAIR Friday lectures:
09.05.2025 (10-11 am CEST):
"Significance of applied Metadata in Research and Lab Automation", with Brian R. Pauw (BAM)
register here already: