FAIR Digital Objects Forum

The EPOS Research Infrastructure – Practical Challenges in Creating an Integrated Dataspace

Daniele Bailo and Jan Michalák from the European Plate Observing System (EPOS) European Research Infrastructure Consortium (ERIC) will share their experiences in building a Europe-wide infrastructure; creating an integrated dataspace for researchers in the field of solid earth science. They will also discuss future perspectives of data infrastructure development.

The FDO (FAIR Digital Objects) Forum (FDOF) is tasked with developing the FDO specifications, and fostering their implementation to help enable the creation of a unified and joint dataspace. This aims to facilitate data sharing and reuse to the benefits of researchers. 

EPOS works to understand the challenges in improving data sharing and reuse. This workshop is a good opportunity to understand the practical challenges and architectural approach in research infrastructure building. It will also discuss the achieved results in detail, and discuss possible future developments.

To participate in the online workshop click this link:  https://us02web.zoom.us/j/3159778742?pwd=QlZPTHU5bWVYNUZHUStaYnNQTnhSUT09

Event Flyer
