

Open science is a term that is being increasingly used in various contexts but it frequently misunderstood and/or misused. This presentation aims to explain what we mean when we refer to open science and also highlights why it matters whether you are a researcher, an institution or a funder.


Helen Glaves is a Senior Data Scientist at the British Geological Survey (BGS), with more than 30 years’ experience in marine geoscience and geoinformatics. Her current role focuses on the development and implementation of research infrastructures, which includes acting as Director of the Integrated Core Services (ICS-C) for the European Plate Observing System (EPOS). She is also actively involved in a number of national and international initiatives addressing various aspect of open science, including as a member of the Research Data Alliance (RDA) Technical Advisory Board, and cochair of both the GEO In-situ Data subgroup and Coalition for Publishing Data in the Earth & Space Sciences (COPDESS). Helen recently took over as President of the European Geosciences Union (EGU).

This event is part of the 'data management and analytical tools for environmental science' webinar series

The NERC Constructing a Digital Environment programme runs an active webinar activity. Held every three weeks, these aim to develop the digitally enabled environment to benefit scientists, policymakers, businesses, communities and individuals. The webinars are arranged into ‘series’, drawing together presentations following similar themes. 

The fourth webinar series, led by the NERC Environmental Data Service (NERC EDS) focusses on research data management and the analytical tools available to support researchers in the environmental sciences. This series showcases the services provided by the EDS and illustrates how it supports the open data agenda. The series will describe how tools developed by the EDS enable interoperability, support large-scale data analysis and facilitate multi- and trans-disciplinary research.