World Digital Preservation Day (WDPD) is held on the first Thursday of every November.

Preserving Our Digital Content: Celebrating Communities

WDPD2024 is a great opportunity to connect the digital preservation community, and to celebrate the digital legacy of all types of communities around the world.

The Digital Preservation Coalition (DPC) invites all data creators, archivists, curators, consumers, community members and digipres folk from around the world to celebrate the diversity of the communities which surround and support us, whilst also drawing attention to the unique and valuable digital content which becomes their digital legacy.

Participate in World Digital Preservation Day

Organised by the DPC and supported by digital preservation networks around the globe, World Digital Preservation Day is open to participation from anyone interested in securing our digital legacy - across all sectors and geographic locations. Join us in a whole day dedicated to Preserving Our Digital Content: Celebrating Communities and share your own digital preservation stories through blog posts, social media posts, events and creative activities!

For more information and ideas on how to participate, visit the WDPD2024 website.